What is Pothead Parent
A podcast, & social safe space for all interested in cannabis or wanting to learn more. Explaining the true why of what we are doing while showing off our favorite brands and how to find them.
We have been through hell in back in one way or another. Cannabis has helped us get through the worst of it and as we both left drinking behind us we would like to show others it’s ok to lose the stigma on being a POTHEAD PARENT!
Who are we?
Just a couple of parents looking to advocate and educate veterans, parents, and those interested in the responsible recreational and medicinal adult use of cannabis.
Both our boys were born with medical issues and disorders, making things very high stress and hard for our already difficult family and life situations.
Cannabis has always been our vice of choice, but now it’s much more than that. It’s a chance for us to regain our lives and help us be better parents as we transition our lives into this venture.
Our children are our whole lives. Being able to be there for them and share our struggles triumphs and humor as pothead parents with all of you will help lose the stigma on cannabis use.